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The Kite Runner Project

After we finished reading the Kite Runner, by Khaled Hosseini, we were assigned to create our own kite. This kite that we had to create needed to include the symbol, the turning point, a character-to-character comparison, and a theme of the story. We also had to include three tails of the kite that resembled important aspects of the Kite Runner. For my group, we crafted a large, quadrilateral kite that was divided into three sections; each section was coloured black, red, and green (these colours are the colours of the Afghan flag.)

We chose the pomegranate tree as the symbol because the pomegranate tree symbolises the friendship between Amir and Hassan. For our turning point, we picked Baba getting cancer. The entire story changed after Baba was diagnosed with cancer because this was when Amir had to start taking care of the family, including Baba. The theme that we incorporated on to the kite was betrayal. I enjoyed building this kite because we were the only group to use natural bamboo as our kite structure.

Overall, I think our kite is aesthetic and is pleasing to the eye. We used bright colours in contrast with the darker background colours of black, green, and red. I loved doing this kite project because instead of taking tests or quizzes, we creatively used our thoughts to build a kite. I loved how our kite looked in the end, and I hope we can do more of these entertaining activities in school!

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