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About the Author: Fatema Mernissi

Fatema Mernissi was born in Fes, Morocco. Mernissi belonged to a family of wealthy landowners and agriculturalists. Though, raised in privilged surroundings, revoved from the poverty experienced by most Moroccans, her childhood was spent in the confines of the harem structure.

Mernissi is a Moroccan feminist writer and sociologist. Most of her books support women's rights. She strongly believes that Islam women's rights should be secured. As a sociologist, Mernissi has done feildwork mainly in Morocco.

In 2003, Mernissi was awarded the Prince of Asturias award along with Susan Sontag. Mernissi is currently a lecturer at the Mohammed V University, and is also a research scholar at the University Institute for Scientific Research in Rabat.

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